
6 Virtual Tours in Scotland #TravelFromHome Series

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With a complex relationship with England and also a different feel Edinburgh offers from that of London, Scotland is another very attractive destination in the UK. Just as many people love England and London, many other people also prefer Scotland and Edinburgh! If you’ve tried virtual tours to England and London from my previous #TravelFromHome series, this time let’s see the list of virtual tours in Scotland.

Edinburgh Castle

In this 360-degree video, you can have a bird’s-eye view of Edinburgh Castle and the city during the first minute, followed by spots inside the castle in a panorama. It’s rather impressive that we can see Edinburgh Castle from unique angles which we can’t get even if we visit in person, thanks to drone filming.

If you feel the video didn’t show you inside the castle enough, explore more using Google Maps Street View below.

Loch Ness

You can also join a virtual tour to Loch Ness on Street View that Catlin Seaview Survey and Google Maps worked together on. Alongside Edinburgh Castle, Loch Ness is one of the most famous attractions in Scotland. Loch Ness is in the Scottish Highlands, covering an area of about 56.4ใŽข. In addition to its grand size, the mysterious creature ‘Nessie’ makes the lake more popular among tourists. Try spotting Nessie, while having a round trip on a boat on Street View! As a side note, it’s quite cute to see a Nessie-like green object as a pin on Street View, instead of the typical yellow man on Maps.

Palace of Holyroodhouse

Screenshot of virtual tours to the Palace of Holyroodhouse
(Image source:

At the end of Royal Mile in Edinburgh is the Palace of Holyroodhouse, the Queen’s official summer residence during Royal Week. Originally having functioned as an abbey (Holyrood Abbey) built by David I of Scotland in 1128, it became the royal residence by the 15th century. The Palace of Holyroodhouse is also related to major figures in Scottish history, such as Marry, Queen of Scots and Bonnie Prince Charlie. Click here to see the 360-degree panoramic view of 3 rooms inside the palace: The Great Stair; Morning Drawing Room (Privy Chamber); and King’s Bedchamber.

The Balvenie Distillery

Screenshot of virtual tours to the Belvenie Distillery
(Image source:

Scotland is also well known for whisky, and you can see the making process of whisky from this website! The Balvenie Distillery shares some of the stages to make single malt whisky in 360-degree panoramic views. They include a barley field with a view of Balvenie Castle and even a pond on their site.

National Museum of Scotland

Screenshot of Street View on National Museum of Scotland's virtual tours
(Image source:

With a collaboration with Google Arts & Culture, the National Museum of Scotland is accessible online on Street View. Its coverage is splendid, showing all 7 floors with over 20,000 permanent displays. Besides, Google Arts & Culture’s online collection exhibits more than 1,000 themed objects.

Scottish Parliament

Like the Parliament in London, the Scottish Parliament also offers a virtual tour guide. On their YouTube channel, there are a series of short, 360-degree guide videos of the Parliament. Since most videos are only around 2 minutes long, you can have a quick virtual browse on your device. Except for some restricted areas and on normal occasions, everyone can visit here just like the Parliament in London. It could be interesting to compare the Scottish Parliament with the London one. ๐Ÿ˜‰

That’s it for virtual tours to Scotland! Hope you enjoy travelling from home to Scotland’s major attractions. If you haven’t virtually been to other places in the UK, check out the post links below!

Other Vitual Tours to Take in the UK

#TravelFromHome Series

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